About us

Become Extraordinary with B.Extra

First of all, welcome to the site of B.Extra. B.Extra stands for Become Extraordinary. It's like being or wanting to be that little bit more than the standard. Wanting to be more and better for yourself because you have goals you want to achieve. 

Coming from the sport, I know how great it is to see yourself improve in any area, mentally, physically or your performance. Besides setting up B.Extra, I had a CrossFit box in Zuidwolde (Drenthe), CrossFit RFL. Ready for Life, I've worked there with great pleasure for years and every week performances are delivered that break the standard. That can already happen the moment you only decide to become active. Then you are already breaking your standard and you are already B.Extra. 

B.Extra originated from my work. As an athlete and as a coach I want to look good, but I also want to be able to move well. Good movement means free movement. Sports without having to lift, worrying about what is visible or not. 
One day, after I had to order my clothes overseas again (long waiting times, import costs, etc.) It shouldn't be that hard to make it yourself. 
That thought was simpler than the process and took me about 3 years. I don't have to go back a week for that, because the process despite the peaks and valleys was super fun! 
Testing materials, testing shorts and tights, every test felt like a birthday where you had high expectations and every test came a little closer to the goal: Making workout clothes that just fit well and also look good!

Because it has been tested in the box, I can also say with certainty that it is suitable for all sports. The clothes have to be out of the box. We stretch, we lift, we squat, we run, we jump, etc. That is why B.Extra is universal. You can wear it in your yoga studio, during your trail run, but also in the gym. 

Who I am according to my environment:
Parents: Stubborn
Mediocre athlete with little talent but with character
Partner: Ambitious but not so brushy
Children: ... *cringe because teenagers
Nadine Gerrits: Quirky, enterprising and indeed not so polish.

For the future I hope to make B.Extra big, first in NL and then in Europe and I hope to have my box or at least a role in the box for a long time to come, because making workouts, helping to achieve goals or to crush is great. That is not about losing 5 kg but really about mental goals. Gold! 
